Designer / Digital & Traditional
LSI Solids 3 Collection Cover 2400.jpg

LSI - Solids 3 Collection

Designing LSI Wallcovering’s Solids 3 Collection book was an interesting challenge. The product line’s light textures and solid colors made using room photography impossible — you couldn’t see the texture; and the walls just looked like they were painted a flat color. I decided to come at the problem from the opposite direction and designed the cover of the book in blocks of colors and textures from the collection. This followed the existing style of the previous Solids volumes, but highlighted the product itself in a unique new way.

Created as the Digital Design Lead at Blackstone Digital.

LSI Solids 3 Collection Cover 2400.jpg
LSI Solids 3 Collection 1 2400.jpg
LSI Solids 3 Collection 2 2400.jpg